100 FYP - Final Year Project Ideas for IT / SE Students

List of 100 FYP Ideas for Information Technology / Software Engineering Students

1. Car Rental System
2. Account Management Software
3. Extract text from OBD file
4. Internet Transaction Security with Fingerprint Recognition
5. Design and Implementation of ASLR
6. Chinese Language Collusion Detection
7. Digital Photo Browsing and Classification
8. Investigate the Efficiency of JNI
9. Designing Accessible Public Information System
10. Evaluation of Internet navigation Methods
11. Web Based Achievement Chart
12. Multiplayer 3D Strategic Game
13. Airline Reservation System
14. Tourism Based Social Networking Service
15. Anti Lock Braking System
16. Finding Shortest Part in UST
17. Application Remote Control Using Bluetooth
18. Army Management System
19. Digital Circuit Simulation
20. Airline Flight Information System
21. Adding Web Searching to the Plagiarism Detector
22. Measuring Subject Bias of Different Web Search Engines
23. Multi Dimensional Searches on the Web
24. Web Based Demonstration of Normalization
25. Java Applet for Interactive Input Mathematical Formula
26. Checking Services for WWW
27. Application of the google API to Detect Plagiarism
28. ATM System
29. Auto Repair Shop Management System
30. Automotive Store Management System
31. Banking System
32. Bus Ticket Reservation System
33. Cafeteria Ordering System
34. Car Insuring System
35. Car Safety System
36. Clothing Store Management
37. College Management System
38. Hotel Management System
39. Household Budget Management System
40. Human Resources System
41. Library Management System
42. Medical Store System
43. Mess Management System
44. Online Admission System
45. Online Auction System
46. Bibliographic Database System
47. Measuring XML Performance
48. Extracting Data from Published Graph
49. Drawing Directed Graphs
50. Detection of Copied Segments of Code
51. Simulation Model of Traffic Flow
52. Online Course Registration System
53. Online Education System
54. Online Examination System
55. Online Food Ordering
56. Online Movie Ticket Booking System
57. Online Recruitment System
58. Online Shopping Inventory System
59. Tourism Based Social Networking Service
60. School Management System
62. Social Networking Portal
63. Space Station Control System
64. Sport Bulletin Management
65. Student Attendance Management System
66. Super Market Management System
67. Time Monitoring System
68. Toll Gate Check System
69. Traffic Management System
70. Vehicle Tracking System
71. Agent Assist Personalized TV Listing
72. Web Based Plagiarism Search Tools
73. Web Site for Small Company
74. Web Database Driven Authoring Tool
75. Online Database for NGO
76. A Real-Time Online Diary
77. Web Publishing System
78. Updated CollageSearch Engine FYP
79. Online Education Directory
80. Customer Management
81. ATM Simulator FYP
82. University Calendar FYP
83. Typing Game FYP
84. Wildlife Monitoring Database
85. Database Searching Using Case-Based Reasoning
86. Timetabling Lectures and Rooms
87. Comparative Investigation of XML and Access Database
88. Automated Clearing Information System
89. Allocating Students to Accommodation on Campus
90. Online Course for FYP
91. Asset Tracking Database
92. Email Program FYP
93. DBMS Job Scheduler
94. Railway Ticker FYP
95. Personal Site Manager FYP
96. Chess Final Year Project
97. Calendar for FYP Students
98. Call Center Management Software
99. ASP + XML Online Survey
100. Personal Finance Management System.

Click Here for 100 More FYP Ideas

Sources: http://blogsbits.com/


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